Analysis and Comparison of Some Recent Classes of Turbo Like Codes for the Upcoming DVB Standards

Alexandre Graell, Guido Montorsi, Francesca Vatta


In this paper, a number of powerful recent classes of turbo like codes are analyzed as possible candidates for theupcoming DVB Standards. The final selection is justified in terms of the best tradeoff between complexity and performance. One of these classes has been recently proposed by the authors in the framework of their ongoing work on the technologies, requested by the DVB Project, which could be considered as candidates for the second generation terrestrial transmission standard DVBT2(specification to be completed in 2009). In particular, withthe aim of maintaining the maximum compatibility with thefamily of DVB standards, the authors are currently addressing individual technology elements for the DVB-T2 standard, such as practical low-complexity coding structures. To this end, a serial concatenated convolutional code structure has been proposed, which is expected to overcome the turbo like coding schemes currently used in the family of DVB standards.

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